© Florian Primetzhofer. All rights reserved.


Zambia – Zambezi

After two days back home to wash my cloths and change equipment I was back on the plane. Together with Steffi I was heading down to Zambia. We had three weeks to enjoy one of the best playboating rivers in the world.

In Livingstone we had to wait for two days for our boats because they were left behind in Johannesburg. These two days we used to visit Livinstone and check the logistic for the next days. On the third day we finally got our kayaks and started to explore the river immediately. To get to know the put-in and take-outs we paddled with a raftcompany for the first two days.

Back home a friend had advised me to paddle the “pourover” in rapid 5 without scouting. The lead-in was easy, the boof great and the hole behind easy to get out. The following days we surfed the wave in 2 and enjoyed the warm water of the Zambezi.

To get closer to the Victoriafalls we paddled upstream to the “Minusrapids” and there we were able to admire the falls from below. After the first week I got problems with my ear and so we decided to go on a game-tour to Botswana. We spent two great days in the Chobe-park, together with a lot of lions, zebras and elephants.

Back on the Zambezi the waterlevel was much higher but still very good to go. Together with three guys from the US I paddled rapid 9 “Commercial Suicide” for the first time. Another highlight were the “Devils Pools”. These pools are located directly on the edge of the falls with a stunning view in to the gorge.

Much too soon we had to go back home for Christmas.

Thanks to “Ophion Paddles” for their great paddles.