
The urge to get onto the water was already strongly present during my childhood. After heavy rainfall the huge ponds on the campsite of Wildalpen were soon discovered as a “little boys kayak playground”.  From there I was dragged over the rivers Salza and Enns of Styria to the whitewater of Europe and later of the world. My kayak is a fellow companion on my travels. My second passion next to kayaking is mountaineering and if it is possible to combine both as in Nepal 2004 and in India 2008 it is something extraordinary.

I take my own proper camera with me since one and a half years. If I feel the same emotion looking at the picture back home as I had at the real location then but only then I am satisfied.

Information about my activities between my “Timeouts” is found under:

If you are keen to get more infos on one of my “Timeouts” or want to paddle with me feel free to contact me: moka (ät)

Florian Primetzhofer


moka (ät)

On my timeouts I am supported by: